
Our Resources

In our forty-five years of experience, executing hundreds of successful projects, WETS has developed extensive proprietary know-how and developed considerable insights on treating groundwater and surface waters for potable service.

We are a full-service company, capable of analyzing water issues and designing the optimum water treatment system. We manufacture our own filters and aerators, and provide installation, start-up and maintenance services.

Our commitment to continuous improvement is evident in the development of our proprietary technology. Since we work with many of our customers in the ongoing maintenance and servicing of our installed equipment, we have worked through almost all the problems that are likely to be seen in potable water treating, and have partnered with clients to develop a variety of ways to improve operations.

Our designs and equipment incorporate these decades of experience in an assortment of proprietary features that make many of our offerings unique in the industry. The best recent example of this commitment is our patent-pending WAFU® (WETS Aeration and Filtration Unit), our proprietary single vessel aeration and filtration unit. This technology has recently seen its first successful commercialization. We also are diligent in monitoring the industry to stay abreast of the latest in water treating technologies. Our goal is to use this forum to share some of these insights with others. While we cannot share all details on our proprietary know-how technology here, we hope you find these insights useful. Check back here as we add more information to this forum.

Water Basics

WETS’ primary function is designing and providing water treating equipment for the removal of impurities in ground and surface water.


Filtration can be defined as the process whereby suspended and colloidal matter are removed from the water when it passes through...


The aerator is designed to perform two basic functions, the stripping of volatile compounds from the water (typically H2S and methane)

Water Disinfection & Chlorination

It has been long understood that drinking water could be a source of illness and disease, and humans have been using various means...

Solutions to Your Water Treatment Needs

Whether you want a new water treatment system installed, need your current one inspected and repaired, or just want a free quote, contact the WETS LLC. With years of experience in the industry, our skilled team members are trained and knowledgeable with a variety of leading water equipment and products. Our certified water purification experts are here to help.